Rapala Knot
How to tie the Rapala Knot. The Rapala Knot forms a non-slip loop at the end of a line. Making a loop connection to a fly or lure can give it more action. This one is named after the lure company that popularized it as a means of connecting their lures to monofilament line.
Scroll to see Animated Rapala Knot below the illustration and tying instructions.
Rapala Knot Tying Instructions
- Tie a loose overhand knot and feed the tag end through the eye and back through the overhand knot.
- Make 3 turns around the standing line and bring tag end back through overhand knot.
- Pass tag end through loop that is formed.
- Moisten line. Pull on standing line while holding tag end to close the knot. Pull on both tag end and standing line to tighten down the knot.